A Year in Berlin

An Englishman abroad

A new blog, a new beginning

Let me be honest. At this moment, I’m not in Berlin. I’m sitting in the UK and making preparations for redundancy. My job in the UK ends in December and my partner Kirstie and I are planning to move to Berlin shortly after. So, although I may not be in Berlin at the moment, this new blog ‘A Year in Berlin’ starts right here, right now.

I’ll talk about what we need to do to move, how we support ourselves, how we experience life in Berlin and generally what we experience. This could include unscrupulous landlords, poor housing, taxation pitfalls and bankruptcy or it could mean new friends, new career paths, new directions and generally an exciting experience.

Who knows? But whatever it is, I’ll do my best to blog it here.

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This entry was posted on 11/10/2010 by in Uncategorized.
